Terms of Sale
Term and Conditions and Legal Agreement between:
The company: TALENT DEVELOPER with registered office at 27 Avenue de l’Opéra 75001 Paris registration number 889 114 328 00012 R.C.S. Paris.
TALENT DEVELOPER will also be known as T.D.
The customer: A natural or legal person, individual or collective, who uses the services or advice of the company TALENT DEVELOPER. The customer may be: a training centre, a student, an apprentice, the student’s legal representatives, etc.
Clients will be named: school, university, educational establishment, trainee’s school, CFA (Centre de Formation en Alternance) (or any other name given to the training establishment), trainee, apprentice and/or student.
The student is aged 18 or over and confirms that he or she has full capacity to be responsible for his or her actions.
The general conditions established by TALENT DEVELOPER ARE INTENDED TO define the contractual obligations established between the customer and TALENT DEVELOPER, as well as the conditions of sale. This document will be available at all times on the T.D. website.
Please read this document carefully and then confirm that you have read it by accepting the contract.
TALENT DEVELOPER Terms and Conditions:
General :
The general terms and conditions are available via your customer area and the website, and can also be requested at any time.
Please read these terms and conditions carefully.
All services, offers and/or bookings at T.D. are subject to these general terms and conditions. Completion of a work placement or apprenticeship contract, or any other service requested from T.D. implies acceptance of the following general terms and conditions.
All T.D. customers are required to act in accordance with the rules and regulations established by this legal agreement.
Definitions :
Host Organisation or Host Company :
These will always be establishments working in all areas of expertise related to the hotel, restaurant and/or culinary arts sector, and in all departments (operations, customer relations, marketing, HR, finance, etc.).
Period in a company: Work placement or Apprenticeship contract in a company :
The in-company period lasts from 2 to 6 months for the work placement, or one year for the apprenticeship contract, and is carried out in the hotel, restaurant or gastronomy sectors or any other service related to these three areas (operations, support services, administrative services, etc.).
The main aim of the in-company period is to enable students to gain experience in a professional context, to develop their interpersonal skills and know-how, to practise the techniques they have learned in theory classes, to communicate in French and to integrate and develop a network of professionals.
Internship agreement :
Internships are not governed by an employment contract. The trainee is not an employee of the company and cannot replace it.
In France, an internship does not involve remuneration, but may include a bonus. This bonus becomes automatic and compulsory if the internship lasts longer than 2 months.
The internship is governed by the following legislation:
Reform of the status of trainees by Law no. 2014 -788 of 10 July 2014.
Reference texts :
– Law no. 2013-660 of 22 July 2013 on higher education and research
– Law no. 2014-788 of 10 July 2014
– Decree no. 2014-1420 of 27 November 2014 on the framework for work-based training periods and work placements.
– Order of 29 December 2014 on internship agreements in higher education.
Apprenticeship contract :
Corporate offer :
The company offer will be based on the student’s skills, the level of French required by the host company (which will be at least B1 according to European standards), the educational progress of the course the student is following and the student’s career plan. The aim of T.D is to adapt the company’s offer to the student’s project and profile.
Description of in-house Packages and Menus :
Packages and Menus, also known as Service Provision, are divided into three distinct periods: before, during and after the in-company period.
T.D. offers several packages and menus, available in all its commercial documents.
The student validates his commercial proposal online, on the Talent Developer platform.
Language school :
T.D. requires a level of French B1 or equivalent, supported by a certificate. Level B1 enables students to communicate simply with their interlocutor. It is essential for students to be able to communicate well with those around them, with their tutor and with the staff at the host establishment. Communication will enable the student to fully understand the tutor’s expectations and to develop as many professional skills as possible during this period in the company. They will also benefit much more actively from the professional network by communicating in the same language.
Partner or Service Company :
Tutor :
Acceptance :
The customer acknowledges having read, understood and accepted the terms and conditions.
1. Customer registration
Free registration, with no obligation to buy, via the T.D. website or the school.
1.2. The student must provide a CV.
1.3. The customer’s level of French must be sufficient to communicate during their work placement in France. The customer must provide proof of their level of French within the last 2 years (DELF B1 or DALF, TCF, TFI or TEF level B1).
1.4. The customer undertakes to provide all the information necessary for T.D to carry out its mission and to communicate any information that may affect the smooth running of the work placement or learning period in a company, the stay or the placement process.
1.5. A health insurance certificate, a civil liability insurance certificate, a copy of the student’s valid passport, visa, residence permit and/or OFFI sticker and any other official document may be required. Students from outside the European Union must be in possession of a VLS-TS visa allowing them to carry out their work placement in France. As soon as they arrive in France, and depending on the type of visa in their possession, these students must validate their visa.
Each student is responsible for this legal and official process and must inform himself/herself and follow the obligations provided by the consulate, the embassy and the official French bodies concerned.
Students who do not meet the legal requirements for a visa will not be able to start their work placement in France.
Students who fail to validate their visa within 3 months of arrival will be considered to be in an illegal situation and will be liable for a fine.
1.6. T.D. reserves the right to refuse applications if : – the customer does not provide the information requested within an acceptable period of 72 hours – the customer has been convicted of a serious criminal offence or an offence incompatible with entry to France or the period of work experience in the host establishments offered or any other reason rendering the customer unfit to undertake the period of work experience – the customer does not speak sufficient French to be able to communicate, even if the customer has taken out the option including FLE lessons.
1.7 T.D. reserves the right to reject the application of any person deemed unsuitable for the work experience programme, at its sole discretion.
2. Commitments and responsibilities of TALENT DEVELOPER (T.D.)
2.1. T.D. acts as an intermediary between host companies, partners and the customer.
2.2. T.D. undertakes to put the customer in contact with host companies, according to the customer’s expectations, profile, field of expertise, study programme, skills and career plan, but also according to the requirements, profile and expectations of the host companies.
2.3 T.D. undertakes to do its utmost to help the Customer obtain a host company, by carrying out actions such as : – training on how to write a CV and covering letter and the expectations of companies in France, – reviewing and correcting the customer’s CV and covering letter, – sending the customer’s application to host companies, – scheduling interviews with host companies interested in the customer’s profile and willing to interview him/her, reviewing and correcting any specific work required by the host companies before interviewing the customer or as an alternative to interviewing the customer, – if necessary, providing advice on how to prepare for a professional interview in order to maximise the customer’s chances of obtaining a work placement or apprenticeship contract (coaching session and/or advice booklet).
2.4. T.D. assists the customer with the signature of the training agreement.
2.5. Once the student has started at the host company, T.D. undertakes to monitor the student throughout the period at the company, answering any questions he may have and providing him with the best possible advice.
2.6. T.D. cannot be held responsible for the behaviour of employees or working conditions in the host company. However, T.D. undertakes to help the client resolve, to the best of its ability, any potential communication problems that may arise with the host company and in particular concerning: assignments and/or working conditions (see Article 7).
2.7. T.D. cannot be held responsible for the services provided by its partners. However, T.D. undertakes to help the customer resolve any potential problems that may arise with its partners, to the best of its ability.
2.8. T.D. undertakes to be available for any request for relevant information from the customer.
2.9. T.D. cannot guarantee any placement in a company within a specific period of time. External factors (such as the interest or availability of host companies, the behaviour and speech of the client during interviews, the availability of accommodation, obtaining and approving visas, etc.) prevent T.D. from guaranteeing a precise date or deadline for the placement. T.D. advises its clients to make arrangements in terms of the time allowed for this search and to anticipate the steps to be taken to ensure every chance of success.
2.10. T.D. cannot guarantee that host companies will pay for work placements, but undertakes to help the customer resolve any potential communication problems with host companies on this subject.
2.11. T.D. reserves the right to cease all cooperation with the customer if his/her profile, behaviour, expectations or project do not correspond to the expectations and requirements of the host company.
2.12. Once the customer has accepted the company’s offer and paid the balance of the corresponding Package or Menu, T.D. undertakes not to offer this offer to another customer.
2.13. T.D. undertakes not to disclose the customer’s personal information to commercial institutions or any other person or entity without the customer’s consent.
2.14. T.D. is not legally responsible for the customer, either on the premises of the host company or outside the premises of the host company.
2.15. T.D. accepts no liability for any accident, injury, theft, damage, illness, loss, expense or costs incurred or risks that may arise during the work placement or apprenticeship contract in a company or at the residence of a third party, including, but not limited to, the premises of the host company and the accommodation occupied by the student.
2.16. The maximum liability of T.D. is limited to the amount paid by the customer for the service provided by T.D. T.D. is not liable for any additional costs that may be incurred by the customer with external organisations before, during or after his work placement or apprenticeship contract within or outside the host company.
3. Customer commitment, responsibility and behaviour
3.1. Placement process for work placements or apprenticeship contracts :
3.1.1. The customer understands and accepts that by contracting T.D. to look for a work placement or an apprenticeship contract and any other related service, the customer undertakes to pay for the service that he has subscribed to by respecting the deadlines set out in the contract for the time spent carrying out the assignment commissioned from T.D..
3.1.2. The customer undertakes to follow the step-by-step process as described by T.D. and to provide all the documents requested by T.D. within 72 hours.
3.1.3. The customer undertakes to pay each invoice received from T.D. on time and within the deadlines defined together, for each service provided.
3.1.4. The customer acknowledges that any estimated time provided by T.D. for its placement is indicative only.
3.1.5. The customer undertakes to inform T.D. of the start and end dates of the work placement or apprenticeship contract planned for his/her training course when registering and/or during the first interview with a member of the T.D. team. In the event of a subsequent change to these dates, T.D. cannot guarantee the offer initially found and will not be held responsible if the host company refuses the new dates. T.D will not issue any refunds.
3.1.6. The customer undertakes not to bypass the T.D. recruitment process in order to obtain an internship or apprenticeship contract directly from host companies in the T.D. network within a period of 5 years. This period applies to the school client as well as to students.
3.1.7. The customer undertakes not to contact the host company directly without the consent of T.D. before having paid the total amount due to T.D. for its services.
3.1.8. T.D. understands that the customer may be required to share certain information relating to his/her work placement, apprenticeship contract or accommodation with third parties (for example: the customer’s training centre and/or his/her parents). However, under no circumstances may the customer divulge the contact details of host companies or partners to a third party, for purposes other than those necessary for the smooth running of the work placement or apprenticeship contract (e.g. friends, classmates, publication on social networks), whether before, during or after the work placement, apprenticeship period or stay in the accommodation. If this is not the case, T.D. reserves the right to cancel the contract with the customer and to inform its partners, inviting them to do the same for the services ordered by the customer from them (in particular for the accommodation). T.D. also reserves the right to take any legal action necessary to protect the company’s interests.
3.1.9. Once the client accepts the placement, he undertakes to send the information for his placement agreement in French, English or Spanish by e-mail to T.D. within 72 hours of its acceptance by the host company, so that T.D. can assist him in signing it. Otherwise, T.D. cannot be held responsible if the placement is cancelled by the host company or if the placement agreement is not signed by the host company. The work placement agreement to be used is the one proposed by the French Ministry; any other agreement will not be accepted.
3.1.10. If the customer (or his/her school or university or any other third party representative) sends the placement agreement directly to the host company (by e-mail or post), T.D. cannot be held responsible for the non-signature of the placement agreement or the cancellation of the placement by the host company.
3.1.11. The customer understands and accepts that certain delays may occur when the placement agreement is returned by the host company. The host company may take time to read the agreement, to have it reread by a lawyer, to have it accepted by the director or to confirm the final dates of the placement, etc. T.D. cannot be held responsible for these delays. T.D. cannot be held responsible for these delays.
3.1.12. Once the work placement agreement has been signed by the host company, it is the responsibility of the customer to have the work placement agreement signed by his/her university, school or educational establishment and to place it on his/her scanned personal profile. T.D. can under no circumstances be held responsible for any failure on the part of the customer or their school to sign the full placement agreement.
3.2 Customer’s financial resources :
3.2.1. It is the customer’s responsibility to have the necessary financial resources to pay for T.D.’s services. The customer must ensure that he has sufficient financial resources before starting the process with T.D..
3.2.2 It is the customer’s responsibility to be aware that travelling abroad involves certain costs and that it is necessary to have the financial resources to live in the country. It is advisable to find out in advance what financial resources are required to live in France.
3.2.3. The customer accepts that T.D. cannot be held responsible for any inconvenience or loss of income as a result of the investment process.
3.2.4 It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that any bonus mentioned in the company’s offer is obtained from the host company, and not from T.D., during the interview and/or when the placement agreement or apprenticeship contract is signed.
3.2.5. When applying for a Visa, and depending on the nationality, you may be asked by the competent authorities to provide proof of sufficient resources. In addition, the obligation to have a guarantor in France is one of the requirements of the French authorities for certain countries.
3.3. Insurance and customer behaviour :
3.3.1 It is the customer’s responsibility to take out civil liability, medical, travel and/or comprehensive insurance. It is also the customer’s responsibility to take out home insurance when renting a flat with one of our partners.
3.3.2. The customer is responsible for his/her own safety during the journey and during his/her stay.
3.3.3. The customer undertakes to behave respectfully during his/her period with the company by actively participating in the development of the company, by adopting a professional, efficient and productive attitude and by representing the interests of the host company to the best of his/her ability by carrying out all the tasks defined in the offer.
3.3.4. The customer must comply with the host company’s code of conduct throughout his work placement or apprenticeship contract. The student is subject to the discipline and the clauses of the internal regulations applicable in the host company and which are brought to his attention before the start of the work placement or apprenticeship contract, particularly with regard to working hours and the health and safety rules in force in the host organisation. In addition, the customer is required to respect the company’s culture and internal policies, which may be set out in a staff handbook or communicated verbally.
3.3.5 The student undertakes to carry out his/her assignment and to be available for the tasks entrusted to him/her, to respect the rules of the company as well as its codes, its culture and the confidentiality requirements set by the company. The student undertakes not to make copies of internal documents belonging to the company without having obtained authorisation and not to disseminate the information gathered by him/her, unless explicitly agreed by the company.
3.3.6 It is the student’s responsibility to respect and follow the timetable provided by the host company. This schedule may be updated regularly and modified according to the company’s needs. The student is prepared to be flexible and aware of the demands of the job. The host company may ask them to change their timetable or adapt to requirements by working a few extra hours if necessary, with short notice.
3.3.7. The student is entirely responsible for his/her actions throughout the duration of his/her period with the company and/or his/her stay in the accommodation. They are responsible for any loss or damage resulting from their actions. The student undertakes to indemnify T.D., the host company, landlords, principal tenants, accommodation agencies, other service providers (taxis, cleaning services, etc.) or any other third party who may suffer loss or damage as a result of the student’s conduct. The student must be insured for any damage or loss that may be caused during his/her presence in the company or during the stay.
3.3.8. The student undertakes to comply with French law and not to endanger or cause harm to him/herself and/or a third party. If the student fails to act in accordance with the above, he/she will be held fully responsible for the consequences of his/her actions.
3.4. Documents :
3.4.1. It is the responsibility of the student to purchase their ticket to travel and to obtain all the necessary documents to travel abroad (a visa and/or residence permit and insurance) and to be available on the start date of the work placement or apprenticeship contract. T.D. cannot be held responsible if the customer does not obtain a visa or any other document required to travel / reside abroad and no refund of T.D.’s fees will be made.
4. The Host Company
4.1. The host company is the sole decision-maker regarding the choice of candidates for interview. In order to be eligible for an internship or apprenticeship contract, the student must have fulfilled all the criteria requested by the host company.
4.2. The host company must provide work assignments and tasks corresponding to those set out in the work placement agreement or apprenticeship contract drawn up prior to the start of the placement.
4.3. Host companies are subject to the law and must comply with it. The benefits provided by host companies (bonuses, accommodation, reimbursement of travel costs, meals, etc.) vary from company to company and from season to season, and cannot be guaranteed by T.D until the work placement agreement or apprenticeship contract has been signed.
4.4. The host company is liable for any damage (physical or material) suffered by the student during working hours or on the way to or from the company. If the customer is the cause of the damage caused, it is his or her own civil liability that is engaged. Some schools may also provide civil liability cover for students. Under an apprenticeship contract, the apprentice is covered by the same social security cover as an employee of the host company, which is subject to the social security contributions laid down by law. The host company is liable to the apprentice whether or not the apprentice caused the damage.
4.5. All negotiations concerning working hours, bonuses and holidays are held directly between the student and the host company. However, T.D. asks to be informed prior to any negotiations in order to ensure the compliance of the request and to advise the client if necessary.
4.6. The student is responsible for his/her own uniform for the duration of the placement or apprenticeship contract. Students must report to the host company in their own or their school’s complete and clean uniform (unless the host company provides its own uniform).
4.7. The host company and T.D. confirm that no absences will be tolerated during the in-company period. If the student is genuinely unable to attend the host company, whether for medical reasons or due to exceptional circumstances, it is imperative that the company be informed as soon as possible so that an alternative can be found. Any medical reason must be justified by a visit to the doctor and a medical certificate sent to the company as soon as possible. Repeated, unauthorised or unjustified absences will be viewed very negatively by the host company and sanctions may be imposed, such as termination of the placement or apprenticeship contract. Under these conditions, the student will not be entitled to any reimbursement from T.D.
5. Awards
5.1. T.D. reserves the right to modify its rates. However, services are invoiced on the basis of the rates in force on the date the customer signs the contract.
5.2. Prices are quoted in Euros and include all taxes.
5.3. Fares do not include air tickets, insurance, visa fees, excess baggage, airport taxes, food, public transport, excursions, additional activities, taxi transfers, monthly accommodation rent, pocket money and any other expenses not indicated on the package or T.D. menu.
5.4. The student undertakes to make payments according to a precise schedule: a deposit corresponding to the selected package must be paid to T.D upon signature of the contract. The balance of the selected package is due prior to the communication of the details of the host company chosen for the client and the making of an appointment for the interview with the said company.
6. Payment of the Package and/or Package and Menu: deposit and balance
6.1. Process
6.1.1. T.D. receives the customer’s request to find a work placement or an apprenticeship contract by registering on the T.D. platform or via the student’s school or CFA. The student receives a proposal for a meeting with T.D. to discuss his or her expectations and so that T.D. can offer the most suitable service to the customer. If the student is interested in the service, he or she pays the deposit corresponding to the package selected after the meeting. The customer will also have to complete the steps and provide the documents requested on their personal profile.
6.1.2. T.D. corrects the customer’s CV and covering letter, prepares and sends the customer’s application to the host companies corresponding to the company offers identified and selected for the customer.
6.1.3. When an initial host company shows an interest in the customer’s application and to enable contact to be made, T.D. requests payment of the balance of the package corresponding to the Package or Menu selected for and by the customer. T.D. will not divulge the details or the name of the host company pre-selected for the customer until it has received the balance due for the package.
The host company may express an interest in the customer’s profile and request the organisation of an initial face-to-face or remote interview (TEAMS, Whatsapp, telephone, etc.) with the customer. The host company may also request further interviews in line with its internal recruitment process, or a video presentation, a written test or any other knowledge or skills test from the customer before making its decision.
6.1.4. If several companies are interested in the customer’s profile, T.D undertakes to select the company corresponding to the customer’s best interests on the basis of the information provided by the customer during the various stages of the service.
6.1.5. Some host companies accept customer applications without prior interview. In this case, T.D. requests payment of the balance from the customer as soon as the customer’s application has been considered by the host company. Once payment has been made by the customer, T.D. will provide information about the company that is interested in the customer’s application. This information will enable the customer to make a decision regarding the host company’s offer.
6.1.6. The customer undertakes to pay the deposit and the balance on receipt of the T.D. invoice.
6.1.7. T.D. will send all the necessary information to the customer to enable them to prepare for their interview with the host company (advice booklet, names of HR and tutor contacts, website and host company contact) once it has received payment of the customer’s balance.
6.1.8. It is the customer’s responsibility to ask all the necessary questions about the work placement or apprenticeship contract (tasks, start and end dates in the company, remuneration, working conditions, working hours, place of work) during the interview with the host company or before accepting the work placement.
6.2. Payment and refund of the deposit and/or the balance of the Package or Menu :
6.2.1. All payments are secure and must be made via the student portal, by bank transfer or by any other means if the first two are not possible. Bank cheques are not accepted.
6.2.2. Payment of the deposit and the balance must be made within two days (48 hours) of receipt of the invoice.
6.2.3 It is the Customer’s responsibility to ensure that payment is possible and can be made on time.
6.2.4. As the prices of the services offered are in Euros (€), variations in exchange rates are not reimbursable or attributable to T.D.
6.2.5. T.D. may use the services of a debt collection company to ensure payment for its services in the event that the customer does not pay the invoices sent by T.D. and the sums due.
6.2.6. Once the balance has been paid, if the client fails the first interview or test required by the host company, T.D. may organise further interviews or tests with the host companies. However, the client understands and accepts that T.D. cannot commit to and guarantee the organisation of more than 3 interviews or other tests, as this depends on the willingness of the host companies and their interest in the client’s profile.
6.2.7. T.D. cannot be held responsible if no host company is interested in the customer’s profile (for an interview or a test), but having been unable to provide the service, T.D. undertakes to refund the amount of the deposit received.
6.2.8. If the customer decides not to attend the scheduled interview with the host company, after receipt of the message from T.D. for payment of the balance, the balance remains due to T.D. by the customer.
6.2.9. If the customer decides to abandon the placement process, or takes too long in this procedure (more than 15 days) for any reason whatsoever (including because he/she has obtained an internship or an apprenticeship contract outside the T.D. placement process, he/she has to apply for a passport, he/she has another project, he/she has had his/her visa refused, or any other reason), before payment of the balance, the balance to be paid remains due to T.D. by the customer.
6.2.10. If the customer changes his/her mind after having been accepted by a host company (with or without a prior interview) and refuses the offer, the sums already paid will not be reimbursed under any conditions.
6.2.11. Cancellation of the customer’s application on the basis of, but not limited to, the following reasons: change of mind, loss of interest in the offer, waiting for interviews with companies not linked to T.D., looking for a host company themselves, change of dates, change of field of study, lack of financial resources, failure to obtain credit or any grant, scholarship, or other administrative documents (such as, but not limited to: visa, residence permit, etc.) or any other reason not listed above, will not be considered as a valid reason for not paying the deposit or for requesting a refund.
6.2.12. If the customer’s behaviour is deemed to be unprofessional at any stage of the process (e.g. sending documents after the deadline, incorrect behaviour towards T.D., its school, the host company or any other partner), T.D. may decide to terminate its agreement with the customer without the customer being entitled to claim any refund.
7. Change of Host Company or refund of the Package :
7.1. In the event of a problem with the host company, the customer must contact T.D. promptly to enable it to find solutions.
7.2. If the customer has not yet started his/her work placement or apprenticeship contract :
7.2.1. Cancellation of the customer’s work placement or apprenticeship contract on the basis of, but not limited to, the following reasons: change of mind, loss of interest in the offer, waiting for interviews with companies not linked to T.D., having found another host company themselves, change of dates, change of field of study, dismissal or exclusion from the educational establishment, lack of financial resources, failure to obtain credits or any other subsidy, grant, visa, or any other reason not included in the above list will not be considered as a valid reason for not paying the invoice for the package or for requesting reimbursement.
7.2.2. The customer understands and accepts that by contracting T.D. to find a host company and/or for any other service, T.D. allows time to carry out the work requested by the customer. Consequently, T.D. asks the customer to pay the package selected for the work carried out and the time spent.
7.3. When the customer has already started at the host company :
7.3.1. A customer’s request to change Host Company will only be considered in cases recognised by law, such as: – Sexual or moral harassment. – Racial or religious defamation. – Impossibility on the part of the host company to continue the in-company training. – Declaration of bankruptcy by the host company. – Failure to comply with health or safety measures likely to harm or affect the customer. – Failure to correlate the assignments and tasks entrusted to the customer with those specified in the work placement agreement or apprenticeship contract signed between the customer and the host company.
7.3.2. If the customer is dissatisfied with the host company, T.D. undertakes to listen to the reason(s) and to do its best to propose solutions that are viable for both the customer and the host company.
7.3.3. If the customer encounters problems during his/her work placement or apprenticeship period with his/her accommodation or any other service subscribed through T.D., he/she must first contact T.D., T.D. will investigate the situation, give advice so that the student can contact his/her tutor in the host company or the partner having provided a service to the customer. T.D. will contact the host company or partners and propose to organise a meeting or telephone conference between T.D., the customer and the host company or partner to find appropriate solutions. Only complaints communicated in written form (letter or e-mail) will be taken into account.
7.3.4 If the student feels that the employer is treating them unfairly, they should ask the tutor or manager for a meeting to discuss their performance in the company. It should be borne in mind that, depending on each person’s culture, things may be perceived very differently. The student decides to come to France to learn a trade, but also to understand the culture and get to grips with a way of managing that is different from his or her own country. The student must listen to comments, always taking them in a positive light, and accept multiculturalism with an open mind. During the meeting, the student will ask their tutor if there are any areas in which they need to improve and to explain/demonstrate any procedures in which they do not feel comfortable. If the situation does not improve, the student will let T.D. know so that he can give him some help.
7.3.5 Before taking any action within the company, the student will contact T.D. for advice. The T.D. teams cannot help their customer to solve a problem of which they are not aware beforehand!
7.3.6. If the customer is not satisfied with the host company for a valid and justified reason (see section 7.3.1) and solutions cannot be found, T.D. undertakes to do its best to find another host company that matches the customer’s profile and field of activity (depending on the availability of host companies), the remaining duration (minimum 3 months) and the customer’s level of French.
7.3.7. If the customer decides to terminate the work placement or apprenticeship contract on his or her own without discussing it or notifying T.D. and without prior validation by T.D., or if the host company decides to terminate, due to inappropriate behaviour (verbally or physically abusive behaviour, racist behaviour, consumption of drugs or alcohol, bad conduct, insubordination, behaviour deemed unacceptable by the tutor or the host company managers, professional negligence of work assignments or failure to comply with the rules of the host company), T.D will not reimburse the package or the “à la carte” services paid for by the customer and will not place the customer with another host company.
7.3.8. The student undertakes to comply with French legislation and not to endanger him/herself or a third party.
8. Partners or Service Companies of TALENT DEVELOPER
Depending on the situation, T.D. can sometimes work with selected partners or service companies to help students settle in Paris and provide other services to make their daily life in France easier. You can find all our “à la carte services” on the T.D. website.
8.1. Partner: The partner refers to any company, organisation or natural or legal person employed or used by T.D. for its services (e.g. accommodation agency, transfer company, cleaning service company, cooking and/or pastry courses, Paris tours, wine courses, and any other service provider with which T.D. may collaborate in order to provide additional services to the customer).
8.2. The customer understands and accepts that, depending on the services required, he/she may also be put in contact with these partners.
8.3. Accommodation: Accommodation agency refers to any company offering accommodation services to the customer. T.D. does not include student accommodation in any of its services, but offers to put you in contact with its partners and to help you benefit from advantageous conditions. Be aware of accommodation prices, which may be more or less expensive depending on the type of accommodation and its location. As part of the accommodation search service, these partners undertake to :
Looking for a private room or a shared room in a shared flat or house, a private room or a shared room in a Host Family or a private rental.
Coordination between the customer and the person responsible for the flat or house (owner, main tenant, housing agency or host family) before the customer enters the accommodation.
8.4. Insurance brokerage agency: For the safety of the student and that of others, the student is required to have civil liability insurance, home/rental insurance and health/medical insurance as indicated in the previous paragraphs.
8.5. Airport/Paris return transfer: The transfer company refers to any company that works with T.D. to provide transport services to the customer.
8.6. French School: The French School refers to any approved language school that works with T.D. to provide FLE (French as a Foreign Language) courses to the Customer.
9. Unavoidable circumstances
9.1. T.D. and its partners or suppliers are released from their contractual obligations in the event of a case of force majeure, or any act attributable to a third party, or any other circumstance or external cause independent of T.D. personnel, directly or indirectly preventing T.D. from fulfilling its contractual obligations. In addition to the cases recognised by the courts, cases of force majeure include, among others, the following cases: all natural disasters, acts of war, public order disturbances, epidemics, fires, floods and other disasters, acts of any government, all strikes in any form whatsoever (internal, external, etc.) and any malfunction of the Internet or networks. The services provided by T.D. and its partners or suppliers will therefore not be refundable.
10. Applicable law and dispute resolution
10.1. These terms and conditions are valid from 15 January 2024 and are subject to French law. If changes are made to the terms and conditions, they will be valid at the time of publication on the T.D. website.
10.2. This contract is subject to French law. Jurisdiction in the event of a dispute lies with the courts of Paris.
10.3 These terms and conditions represent a contract between the customer and T.D.
TALENT DEVELOPER conditions 15 January 2024
TALENT DEVELOPER, a team that has perfect knowledge of the international hospitality industry, the culinary arts, student training and support.